After the publication of the article "NEXUS - PLEXUS, WHERE ARE YOU?" we have received a very strong positive response from participants of the aviation market. Aviation professionals began to share information with us, which further enhanced the picture of natural fraud arranged by the hero of our article.
However, we also noticed another trend: some market participants began to perceive BLACKLIST.AERO publications as an opportunity to get even with their competitors.
At various times, we were repeatedly approached with offers to publish material in relation to a particular company, hinting that this could be financially beneficial for us. And it invariably got rejected. However, now, after the publication of an article about the group of companies NEXUS, PLEXUS, BURAQ and BAROQUE related to Abdullah Al-Sayed, the number of such “offers” has increased significantly.
In this regard, we categorically declare: BLACKLIST.AERO DOESN’T TAKE PART IN COMPETITIVE WARS ON ANYONE’S SIDE. The Registry was and remains “ABOVE THE MARKET”.
I would like to very clearly and unambiguously set the record straight on: The Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO was created to clear the aviation market from defaulters and fraudsters. And any of our publications and actions are subordinated to the achievement of this main goal only.
We are well aware that, given the harshness and even “scandalousness” (as it's seen by a particularly sophisticated and refined public) of our actions towards fraudsters and defaulters, someone may try to use BLACKLIST.AERO for their own selfish purposes.
So it was and so it will be with any mass media. We are well aware of the fine line between defending socially important interests and playing up someone's selfish motives. That is why BLACKLIST.AERO will never become a “shitbox” for market participants to publish dirt on each other.
Any information that we receive from our sources, we will use only to achieve our main goal. Therefore, despite all our sincere gratitude for the information you’re providing (which we check and double-check), please do not expect this information to be used exactly the way you want it.
I also want to emphasize that, according to the rules of the Registry, there is a clear division of responsibility between Claimant for each specific case and the Registry administration. Namely:
1. Claimant signs the Claimant Agreement, according to which he is fully legally responsible for the veracity of the case he creates in relation to his defaulter.
2. The BLACKLIST.AERO registry bears legal and moral responsibility for its public and paralegal actions in relation to the defaulter specified in the case.
3. IMPORTANT: Claimant cannot dictate to the BLACKLIST.AERO administration what actions to take with respect to the defaulter and what not.
4. IMPORTANT: Claimant cannot “order and pay” any public and paralegal actions. There is a procedure that we follow until the case is published in the Registry. This procedure is the same for ALL cases. Everything else is up to our inspiration and passion.
I hope these clarifications will become exhaustive for all participants in the aviation market. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support!