“Dear All, We fullfilled refund to you.
March 11, 2025
“Dear All, We fullfilled refund to you.
February 20, 2025
MERKUR HOLDING (Turkey) intends to lay off 70% of its staff within the next year. And by October 2026, less than a quarter of the current staff will remain in the company. Co-owner of Merkur Holding Halis Din stated this in an “exclusive comment to BLACKLIST.AERO”.
February 18, 2025
I am always very calm when someone expresses disbelief in the facts presented by me in my articles on BLACKLIST.AERO. Why? Because the usual fact-checking and subsequent development of events always proves the accuracy of the facts I have presented. In which it’s so nice to poke “non-believers” noses later ;)
February 14, 2025
Is three years for the company too much or too little? According to the standards of human life, BLACKLIST.AERO is still in the nursery group of the kindergarten: there are many things you don’t know and can’t do. Everything has to be learned as you grow up.
January 31, 2025
Just yesterday Karim Stambouli, right after publishing an article about the critical situation at Express Air Cargo, wrote to me (after three months of ignoring my attempts to contact him) in WhatsApp: ‘I'm not Express Air Cargo any more’. And started threatening me. First with the court, then with the police. When I told Karim that I would be ready to answer for EVERY WORD written in my article and he could go complain anywhere and to anyone Karim decided to resort to the last ‘argument’: he started to threaten me with... Halis Din 😂 😂 😂
January 30, 2025
There have been cases related EXPRESS AIR CARGO (Tunisia) before. But the company tried to close them before they were published in the BLACKLIST.AERO to avoid publicity. However, time passed, new cases began to appear, and the company simply lost the ability to cope with the growing debt burden.
January 14, 2025
Problem of non-payment the cancellation fee by charter brokers in the event of a flight being cancelled due to a passenger’s reason has become one of the most discussed issues among operators in recent years. For operators, this is not only lost profits due to the aircraft’s forced downtime, but also often technical and even legal problems when carrying out a subsequent flight. For example, in a number of countries, fuel poured into an aircraft and cleared through customs for an international flight may become the cause for claims from customs authorities in the event of a subsequent domestic flight instead of an international one.
December 19, 2024
“What are you doing?! We all spent tens of thousands of dollars to attract attention to our companies at the exhibition, and you just by making one post on LinkedIn turn all the attention to yourself and these crooks whom you challenged to a battle! Now everyone is whispering only about it! Everyone has forgotten about the exhibition!”
December 13, 2024
This corporate conflict could have turned into a real war. Both sides appealed to BLACKLIST.AERO However, based on the circumstances of the conflict, we could not support either side.
December 3, 2024
Three months ago, I told a story about how fraudsters created a fake BLACKLIST.AERO page on X (former Twitter) with the goal of publishing any nonsense on it just to discredit our reputation. I laughed at this “innocent” idea and said that we need to prepare for much bigger provocations, using deepfake technology. And I was right!
November 26, 2024
The owner of UNITED AVIATION GROUP (South Africa) Jonathan Wolpe was arrested today in Johannesburg, as the editors of the Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO have just learnt.
November 21, 2024
One more Three Cases Defaulter has been added to the Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO. Three cases from different claimants have been submitted and published in relation to GT AirParts LLC from the USA.
November 12, 2024
As the administration of the Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO found out, the company iFUEL AG falsified numerous photos of fuel trucks and other airfield equipment with IFuel logos for use in advertising campaigns.
November 7, 2024
Yesterday, HARMONY JETS put out an official letter to their counterparties, in which they tried to at least somehow fend off my article published two weeks ago. As you remember, I flew to Malta in order to clarify the facts that shed light on why HARMONY JETS flights can be cancelled at any time. And therefore, the company developed a special scheme that allows them not give back the money paid for the flight to clients.
October 29, 2024
There is a certain wicked irony in the fact that a company that signed the Three Cases Declaration two years ago and committed itself to fight systemic defaulters has itself become a Three Cases Defaulter. But if the signing of this Declaration was originally an attempt to avoid the pressure of the BLACKLIST.AERO administration on its own debts, then there is nothing strange about it. As I said before participation in the Three Cases Declaration is not an indulgence from non-payments.
October 17, 2024
In order to understand why companies like HARMONY JETS can do what they do with impunity, I had to fly to Malta. So to speak, “to the stomping ground” of these crooks. Only on the spot was it possible to find out who was covering them - by their active actions or deliberate non-interference. And at the same time to understand why HARMONY JETS flights are cancelled, and their aircraft remain on the ramp.
October 10, 2024
The PR activity of the defendants in the cases in the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry is always a subject of our intense interest. After all, instead of paying off their debts, they spend a lot of money on creating a public image of honest and successful businessmen. Which they are absolutely not.
August 31, 2024
As it often happens after our first publications about a defaulter, more and more details, new cases, new evidence begin to appear. This is what happened with the PRIVATE JET CHARTER LIMITED (UK) case, the article about which caused a real stir. The information received and new cases leave no doubt to the BLACKLIST.AERO editorial team: the non-payments of this company are not accidents, but episodes of an openly fraudulent scheme. These are not tricks, not traps - this is a criminal offense in its purest form.
August 20, 2024
The editors of BLACKLIST.AERO found out from several sources that Saudi Arabian officials responsible for managing the bankruptcy procedure of NEXUS FLIGHT OPERATION SERVICES (Saudi Arabia) are taking legal steps to take control and subsequently sell the US company WYVERN, which is engaged in the certification of business aviation operators.
August 6, 2024
The brokerage company Private Jet Charter (United Kingdom) concluded a charter agreement with a private client and accepted payment from him. Two days before the flight, the broker confessed to the client that the money for the charter had not been transferred to the operator. And asked his client to pay again directly to the operator, otherwise the flight would not operate.
July 6, 2024
In order to create a soap bubble, under which gullible investors will be willing to invest their money, it is important to constantly create the appearance of success and profitability. Actually, it is called a soap bubble precisely because it is a form without real content. What is “seems” but not “is” in reality.
July 6, 2024
To the attention of European operators and charter brokers: the UK registered company JETLUX LTD, which in the recent past was just a firm - a pad for the Ukrainian flight support company SKY HANDLING, has launched the site The site is a usual interface for ordering a charter flight. Nothing unusual, an ordinary business card site. Except for a couple of things...
June 25, 2024
I have long heard from various sources the statements like: “The HARMONY JETS operator has the game rigged. They are fraudsters. Pay attention to them!” However, we at BLACKLIST.AERO take seriously only two types of information: firstly, cases from our claimants officially registered in the Registry. Because, according to the Claimant agreement they sign, they bear full legal responsibility for the truthfulness of all the information contained in the case. The second type of information is that which is personally received by the Registry administration and editors during subsequent proceedings.
June 4, 2024
Case regarding STAR JETS INTERNATIONAL Inc. (USA) became not just a wake-up call, but a real ALARM signal. Because the information has attracted the attention of large private investors who invested money in the company through the stock exchange. It quickly turned out that Ricky Sitomer had been making a fool of everyone for a long time.
June 4, 2024
Gone are the days when, walking into a Learjet 60 at a static exhibition display, you could meet the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine looking for an aircraft for a fashionable retirement. And the only thought that came to your mind at that moment: “Hm, isn’t he too modest? Others choose more expensive aircraft.” Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO
May 22, 2024
Admit it honestly, the first thing you thought was: “Well, now everything is clear! BLACKLIST.AERO has been talking about “bad” companies for a long time, and now they will talk about “good” ones and charge money for it!”
May 17, 2024
As you know, we at BLACKLIST.AERO are very calm about all sorts of anonymous (or under fake names of so-called “authors”) publications about what kind of “pro-Russian blackmailers and extortionists” we are. Our position is very simple: “Be as mad as you wish, even call us satraps! But your debts will have to be repaid!”
May 9, 2024
This story fully reflects the state of affairs and methods of doing business in modern Georgia. The country, which in words strives to join the European Union, in reality cultivates the linear gangster practices that were common in the countries of the former Soviet Union in the 90s of the past century.
May 2, 2024
Many believe that the problems of the Georgian airline MYWAY began with the attack on Khartoum airport (Sudan) in April 2023. Among the other 20 aircraft that burned down at that time was an aircraft that belonged to MYWAY. However, in fact, the company’s non-payments began long before this terrible incident. From which, by the way, the company was able to fully recover.
March 8, 2024
Last week, already well-known Congressman Danilo (Dan) Fernandez was forced to comment during 10 minutes, right at a meeting of the committee that he heads in the Philippine Congress, on the publications of BLACKLIST.AERO.
March 8, 2024
I have repeatedly said about this simple truth to the co-owner of MERKUR HOLDING, Halis Din. During the time that has passed since he signed the Three Cases Declaration in December 2022, cases against MERKUR and its subsidiary company JET ASSIST have been repeatedly created in the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry.
March 3, 2024
In November 2023, we wrote about AERO BLEU AIRWAYS and its actual owner, Philippine Congressman Dan (Danilo) Fernandez. Let me remind you - this company has repeatedly distinguished itself by wet leasing cargo aircraft for charter programs. However, each time, the lack of professionalism of management in planning flights and basic ignorance of the laws operating in the cargo transportation market led to the fact that programs were disrupted, aircraft were idle, and AERO BLEU AIRWAYS simply refused to pay both leasing payments and the bills for previously provided handling and refueling services.
February 19, 2024
Occasionally, representatives of defaulting companies ask us a question like: “How can you help a company like...” and then the name of the company that filed a case against them. “Ask others, your claimants have a very bad reputation! But we have a good reputation and don’t want the case in BLACKLIST.AERO to cast a shadow over it!”
January 16, 2024
This project was carried like a child - exactly 9 months. When I was already planning to start it, fears arose: “What if war breaks out?” At the end of January - beginning of February, the presence of more than 200 thousand Russian troopers near the borders of Ukraine had indicated that the war was absolutely real. Although only those who planned this war could believe that a big war in Europe is even possible in the 21st century. The subsequent atrocities of Russian soldiers in Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and hundreds of other large and small cities in Ukraine showed that no achievements of mankind, no technological progress and no check and balance systems will save if mentally sick tyrants are in power.
January 16, 2024
As you know in the work of the BLACKLIST.AERO Register we were guided by a clear definition of what a "Defaulter" is. So, according to our previous rules, Defaulter: a company that has not paid an invoice after more than 90 days past the overdue date.
December 7, 2023
I always knew that fraudsters do not know the difference between cunning and meanness. They do not get it due to a complete lack of empathy. This is what is called a “medical fact”. Their lack of empathy helps them commit fraudulent acts without feeling any guilty conscience. “Conscience” is an absolutely unnecessary and irrational concept for them.
December 6, 2023
The behavior of the owner of UMBRA HOLDINGS LLC (USA) STEFANO LUZZI MARCONE was similar to the behavior of a player in a casino, who is constantly raising his bet. When the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry administration sent the CASE HAS BEEN CREATED notification, we immediately received a response:
November 20, 2023
Mirian Sarishvili, Managing Partner at VIP AVIATION (Georgia)
November 9, 2023
This story would be difficult for the average person to believe. But aviation market professionals are forced to periodically deal with laymen who imagine themselves to be cool businessmen without having a thorough knowledge of their subject. As a result, not only they suffer losses, but also everyone who, out of stupidity or carelessness, decided to contact such idiots.
October 18, 2023
The UNITED FLIGHT SUPPORT (South Africa) case is very representative for the aviation market. It illustrates the most common behavior of debtor company owners. Their attitude towards their debts, and their main motivation in business which is just show-offs.
September 25, 2023
Not long ago, the passenger airline ELLINAIR S.A. (Greece) has announced the upcoming resumption of flights. However, the facts obtained by the editors of the BLACKLIST.AERO Register prove that all the public activity of recent weeks and news about the upcoming restart are needed to the new owners only in order to receive a new tranche of aid from the European Commission. And this tranche will be stolen in the same way as the first. ELLINAIR is not going to fly anywhere.
September 20, 2023
This story might not have happened. Nothing said that JORDAN AVIATION could allow non-payments to its counterparties. The brand of this company has long been known in the aviation market and is usually associated with reliable and high-quality service.
May 24, 2023
The WORLDJETS LTD flights cancellation scandal, which has just now spilled over into the public space, opened one of the most festering wounds of modern business aviation.
May 24, 2023
Of course, the art of bargaining is an important skill in any business. However, the case of ALKAN AIR (Egypt) clearly demonstrates that some companies have elevated bargaining to a kind of cult: “What is a bazaar without bargaining?!”.
May 18, 2023
Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO
May 18, 2023
After the publication of the article "NEXUS - PLEXUS, WHERE ARE YOU?" we have received a very strong positive response from participants of the aviation market. Aviation professionals began to share information with us, which further enhanced the picture of natural fraud arranged by the hero of our article.
April 24, 2023
During our work with defaulters, collecting information about them and communicating with most of them personally, nolens volens, certain observations appear. We joke within a team that soon it will be possible to write a doctoral dissertation on the psychology of non-payers!
April 24, 2023
Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO
April 11, 2023
We often encounter situations where a company accumulates debts and ceases its activity. But at the same time, the former owners of this company are opening under a new sign and continue the same song, only in a new way.
March 8, 2023
The defaulter OMNI PRIVATE JETS ignored all attempts to resolve the issue of non-payment of the handling bill for almost a year. The company didn’t make any complaints about the bill. Didn’t try to explain why it did not pay it. They simply ignored all the requests for payment. As long as BLACKLIST. AERO Operations Team didn’t "pin down" this operator at one airport, which was served by only one handling company. We are grateful to the representatives of this company for the fact that they understood the information provided by us and refused to service the OMNI’s aircraft. That's when representatives of OMNI PRIVATE JETS immediately contacted their creditor and promised to close the debt! Which they did as a result. I just have a question for OMNI: your cheating and arrogance were worth it???
March 8, 2023
Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO
March 7, 2023
Colleagues, have you ever come up against real bandits in aviation? It's not like just scammers, swindlers, crooks. Specifically, with those who are called “gangsters”?
March 7, 2023
Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO is announcing the launch of a new initiative for the entire aviation market, regardless of companies’ size and specialization.
March 7, 2023
The Federal Aviation Administration has officially confirmed that it is investigating the said company. This investigation was started following a preliminary FAA review initiated by the Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO.
March 7, 2023
We are fully aware that we may be accused of blackening a company that allegedly has no direct connection to a defaulter company on our register. However, this story is about why the "Spirit of the Law" is always superior than the "Letter of the Law" and why we intend to continue to bring swindlers to light, no matter what company names they hide behind.