I always knew that fraudsters do not know the difference between cunning and meanness. They do not get it due to a complete lack of empathy. This is what is called a “medical fact”. Their lack of empathy helps them commit fraudulent acts without feeling any guilty conscience. “Conscience” is an absolutely unnecessary and irrational concept for them.
However, the same lack of empathy causes them often to end up in a puddle due to their inability to evaluate all the options for the development of events as a result of their fraudulent actions. Good analysis and forecasting require not only logic, but also empathy. Otherwise, it will turn out like it happened this time with Abdullah Al-Sayed...
I had the opportunity to confirm the above in practice ones again during my last visit to Dubai, where I arrived for meetings within the Dubai Airshow 2023. I was stopped when passing through border control at the airport. I was informed that the Dubai Police had opened a case against me. The details of the case were not given to me.
I have long been prepared for such developments. My team and I have repeatedly discussed various scenarios of counteractions to us from defaulters and fraudsters who appear in the BLACKLIST.AERO registry. And, accordingly, counter response scenarios were developed. This flight to Dubai was no exception. If I had not gotten in touch within a predetermined period of time, the team had to implement one of previously agreed action algorithms.
However, after holding me for three hours at the airport police station, I was informed that I could go to the hotel and take care of my business. At the same time I won’t be able to leave Dubai until I arrive at Bur Dubai Police Station and handle the case. There they should also tell me all the details of the case. Because the statement was filed against me there.
Well, I had to go to the first day of the Dubai Airshow with a significant delay. And in the evening, I went to Bur Dubai Police Station. Where I finally found out that the statement was written by none other than Abdullah “Nexus – Plexus” Al-Sayed!
In his statement, handed over by a lawyer, Al-Sayed said that I was threatening, no less, to cut off his head! As you remember, in the article “NEXUS – PLEXUS, WHERE ARE YOU?!” https://blacklist.aero/news/64512490ee833fa62c6ba4de I wrote that the legislation in Saudi Arabia is such that they cut off heads there for lesser offenses than those that Abdullah Al-Sayed has committed and continues to commit. I wrote the same thing to him directly, and I have saved the correspondence. I hope the differences between statements of fact and direct threats are clear.
Questions immediately arise:
1. Is the above sufficient to initiate a case of threats?
2. Abdullah Al-Sayed is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. I am a citizen of Ukraine. What does the UAE and its police have to do with it?
And here the tricks were revealed, which Al-Sayed and his lawyers apparently consider “cunning”, although in fact it is ordinary meanness. Namely:
1. To bind me to Dubai, it was indicated that I am a resident of Dubai. Although I never had a resident visa, ID or so.
2. To bind Abdullah Al-Sayed to Dubai, it was indicated that he was on Shaikh Zayed Road at the moment when he received a threatening SMS from me.
3. And now the final chord: according to Al-Sayed, he received a message that contained a direct and obvious threat, with the words “I will cut off your head!” from a certain Dubai mobile phone which number was unknown to me. I've never had a Dubai number.
It was these three falsified factors that allowed the lawyers of Abdullah Al-Sayed to file this case at the Bar Dubai police station, giving it the form of “legality.”
“Did they really hope that the Dubai police would not be able to unravel this primitive tangle of falsifications?”, you ask. Of course not. For example, I am absolutely sure that Abdullah Al-Sayed had a “minimum goal” and a “maximum goal”:
At a minimum, he wanted, as they say, to “show his teeth” and make me regret that I openly went against him. In the case when a lie with threats sent from a fake Dubai number is revealed, he can always say: “Oh, well... But I had every reason to think that it was he who sent me these threats! After all, he’s written something similar to me before!”
But his “maximum program” was much more ambitious. He expected that finding myself in forced confinement in the World Capital of Show-Offs, where everything is not just expensive, but so f…ing expensive (including legal services), I get scared of the consequences and rush straight to him to make peace. And this is where he will show his “wishlist” in exchange for withdrawing his statement from the police! He will receive complete moral satisfaction and at the same time show others what it is like to go against THE Abdullah Al-Sayed!
An important point is the fact that my actual communication with Abdullah Al-Sayed via WhatsApp was in January 2023. And his statement to the Dubai police was received only six months later. And falsified SMS from Dubai number are dated approximately the same period when the statement was filed.
Why did Abdullah wait for so long?
Because two things had happened before the statement was filed. Firstly, on April 24, the mentioned article “NEXUS – PLEXUS, WHERE ARE YOU?!” was published.
And secondly, what make Abdullah Al-Sayed even more alarmed, I reached out to CEO of aviation safety certification company WYVERN Sonnie Bates for comment. In particular, I asked to confirm or deny the information that Abdullah Al-Sayed is directly or indirectly (through an investment fund) is the owner of WYVERN.
Sonnie Bates ignored my request. However, it was after this that Abdullah Al-Sayed began to act. The fact is that after NEXUS Flight Operations Services company filed for bankruptcy in Saudi Arabia, the regulatory authorities of the country had to determine what exactly Abdullah Al-Sayed owned in this country and abroad. In order to dispose of the property in favor of 501 creditors of NEXUS, officially registered in the Saudi registry: https://bankruptcy.gov.sa/en/Announcements/Pages/announcementDetails.aspx?AdID=2815
It was at this point that Abdullah Al-Sayed began to withdraw from the founders’ list of many of his companies. And by pure coincidence, around the same period of time, it became known that the Chinese investment fund VENTUROUS CAPITAL was buying WYVERN https://www.wyvernltd.com/wyvern-press-room/press-release-venturous-capital-acquires-wyvern/#:~:text=Nashua%2C%20NH%2C%20USA%20%E2%80%93%20WYVERN,current%20leadership%20and%20staffing%20levels
The fact that Abdullah Al-Sayed was counting on that I would get scared and go to make peace with him is evidenced by two factors:
Firstly, already in his very statement to the police, he demanded a public apology and refutation of the information presented in my article “NEXUS – PLEXUS, WHERE ARE YOU?!” Yeah, dream on...
Secondly, already on the fifth day of my stay in Dubai, after I openly spoke to all my contacts at meetings within the Dubai Airshow about what had happened, that I had hired lawyers to protect my interests and intended to talk about this matter publicly, I received a call from a person who was asked to mediate between me and Abdullah Al-Sayed. In particular, the request to him sounded like this: “Listen, we need to somehow solve this problem. If you have some kind of backdoor to BLACKLIST.AERO, ask Artem Degtiarov how we can compensate for his expenses, fees and close this issue quietly.”
I gave an extremely clear answer: “The issue can only be solved by paying off the debt to creditors for those cases that appear in the BLACKLIST.AERO Register. Any other agreement options are unacceptable. No pressure will help. The deadline for fulfilling the agreement is until the completion of the work of my Dubai lawyers on this statement.”
It must be said that investigators in the Bar Dubai office immediately began to suspect that the facts in Abdullah Al-Sayed’s statement had been falsified. They checked the dates of my previous stays in Dubai in my passport and re-checked it with the border service data. They checked the information on the mobile phone from which the threats allegedly came.
However, in Dubai, such things require certain procedural steps. And there is no way to do this without a lawyer. It’s expensive, for an unprepared person such expenses can really “bring him down to his knees.” But I’m glad that today the BLACKLIST.AERO registry has already formed a backbone of supporters. It was enough to get the word out and several companies instantly signed up for a Premium subscription to the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry. I am sincerely and warmly grateful to you, friends!
It must be said that the week spent in Dubai beyond what was planned had its benefits. I was able to meet with some of those companies with whom it was not possible to do this within the Dubai Airshow due to the need to participate in legal procedures. At the same time, I would like to apologize to all those who arranged meetings with me during the show, but never waited for me at the appointed time. Now you know why.
While I was waiting for the official withdrawal of the travel ban and the opportunity to return home, I occasionally occupied myself with funny puns. Here is one of them:
“Nexus – Plexus” Al-Sayed
So afraid to lose his head
He was chasing everywhere
Will be pinned down, I swear.
Well, in the meantime, the lawyers did their job. Dubai police de-registered the case, realizing that Abdullah Al-Sayed had no basis for filing it.
Accordingly, the period when it was possible to “agree with BLACKLIST.AERO” has also expired for him.
In this regard, I would like to make several appeals:
To the readers and subscribers of BLACKLIST.AERO
You probably noticed that the period when we were ignored was very short. We quickly became a real bone in the throat of all defaulters and fraudsters in the aviation market. And they began to fight us in different ways.
A little less than a year ago, information attacks began. Paid publications in which they tried (and will still try) to call me a “Russian-connected” journalist, talking about that I was an chief editor of the Ukrainian news agency, which was a part of the Russian agency RIA - Novosti. However, they deliberately do not tell that in September 2005, RIA Novosti forcibly closed our website after we didn’t allow them to push through their one-sided information policy. It happened on September 20, 2005 at 19.00 Kyiv time. Then, in one night, we managed to “deploy” a new web-site in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet and at 8:00 the next day all Ukrainian media were notified of what had happened. This information can still be found in the archives of the Internet media: https://cxid.info/amp_19508_ami-novosti-ukraina-soobschaet-o-prekraschenii-sotrudnichestva-s-ria-novosti.html
They tried to blame me for “working for a Russian oligarch,” specifically keeping silent about the fact that Boris Berezovsky and Badri Patarkatsishvili established the Foundation for Civil Liberties (the director of the Ukrainian branch of which I later became) several years after Berezovsky became Putin’s worst enemy and he was granted political asylum in the UK.
A separate and long story about a political scandal that black PR guys who knew little about it and who work for those involved in cases in the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry, tried to attribute to me. I really want to say a lot regarding it. But it’s better to write a book about this, and the time will come for that too.
So far, all these, albeit vile, articles only multiply the citation rating of BLACKLIST.AERO. Therefore, let those involved in our cases continue to spend money on paying for our advertising. Those who knew Boris Berezovsky remember well his catchphrase: “No matter what the newspapers write about you, if it’s not a death notice, then it’s an advertisement!”
Now the struggle against BLACKLIST.AERO is reaching a new level. And again, in order to create at least some trouble for us, the scammers on our list have to deliberately engage in manipulation and falsify facts.
There will be many more similar situations. The resistance to our work will increase. And the meanness with which this will be done will multiply many times. They call it “cunning”...
We at BLACKLIST.AERO are ready for this. We are not afraid of them. And you?
My main appeal to you is DON’T BE AFRAID. All of these swindlers have the opportunity to thrive only through the fear of some (their victims), the greed of others (those for whom the thirst for potential profit is more important than professional ethics) and the impotence of a third party (that part of aviation officials, functionaries of various specialized organizations and associations who could intervene and correct situation. But they don’t want to interfere).
Never be afraid to say that you have become a victim of dishonest businessmen in the aviation market. Help those who are already in trouble because of such scoundrels.
Unite and fight back against fraudsters! No courts can protect honest businessmen from dishonest ones. Because dishonest businessmen take full advantage of the gaps in the legal procedures that exist in the legal system of any country.
Only professional solidarity, a conscious voluntary rejection of competition between companies when contacting a defaulter or fraudster will change the situation with non-payments in the aviation market. We have already started changing it, and it works! These bitches are afraid of us!
To Abdullah Al-Sayed
I have never bowed down to nonentities in my life. This is not an insult, this is a fact from my biography. And I never threaten anything that I cannot implement physically or for moral reasons.
I always stick to the rule: “If you promise to do something (good or bad) you must be ready to do it, or at least start doing it, within 48 hours. Otherwise, no one will consider your promises or threats anymore.” Believe me, I have been able to follow this rule for quite a long time.
Your actions towards me at the Dubai Police made you look very miserable. You are one of the biggest figurants of the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry. And so… the “great and terrible” Abdullah “Nexus - Plexus” Al-Sayed turns out to be an ordinary petty dirty trickster. A man who will not enter the boxing ring until he has put a heavy ducat in his glove.
Well... Our battle has just begun. Please don't run too far.
To CEO of the WYVERN company Sonnie Bates
Dear Sonny!
This is a great opportunity to address you publicly. No matter how much you wouldn’t like it, sooner or later WYVERN will have to clearly and unambiguously answer the question: is Abdullah Al-Sayed the owner of the company directly or indirectly (through third parties or companies). Please consider this appeal an official journalistic request. We are waiting for your official comment.
“Nexus – Plexus” Al-Sayed
Not in jail, but it just yet
Tell me, Plexus, where are you?
We are claiming head of you!
What???! Where did you run again?! Again to the police? What a timid fellow...