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May 17, 2024




As you know, we at BLACKLIST.AERO are very calm about all sorts of anonymous (or under fake names of so-called “authors”) publications about what kind of “pro-Russian blackmailers and extortionists” we are. Our position is very simple: “Be as mad as you wish, even call us satraps! But your debts will have to be repaid!”


Well, in order to understand how “pro-Russian” we are, you may just read my articles since the creation of the BLACKLIST.AERO Registry. Or you can dig deeper and read my articles long before joining aviation. Everything will immediately fall into place and you won’t need to be explained anything.


We do not consider it necessary to fight every libel, which is written like a “blueprint”, for several reasons. Firstly, it will distract us from our work, which would be very beneficial to our opponents - the scammers and defaulters about whom we write and in relation to whom we carry out paralegal actions. Secondly, such publications only increase the citation rating of BLACKLIST.AERO. 


Not to mention the fact that those who might be attracted by such a publication about the “bad BLACKLIST.AERO”, after reading the libel, will certainly want to go to our website and understand why we are so “bad”. So, this is also an advertisement in its own way.


However, recently we had to react and block one page. 


As it turned out, the #BlackListAero fake account, created on my behalf, had been functioning on the social network X (formerly Twitter) for several months. In this account, “I” tell you all the worst things about myself you could think of. Particular trolling was that I supposedly “inform” that I, Artem Degtiarov, am wanted by Interpol)))




Of course, any sane reader who encounters such “sensational” information can immediately go to the Interpol website and make sure that they are faced with falsification:


Why, then, are such fakes created, which are exposed once or twice?


Firstly, this is banal revenge. The orderers of these provocations want what is called “to blow off steam.” Feel at least some moral satisfaction. Well, what else should they do other than pay the bills...


In addition, they all understand perfectly well that by filing a lawsuit against BLACKLIST.AERO, they will be faced with the fact that the information appearing in the case, as well as collected by the Registry team, will no longer only become an argument for our public and paralegal actions. It will become a procedural legal document. They do not want such a development of events.


Secondly, they need at least something to which they can appeal when they are asked here and there about their debts. “Look who blacklisted us! This is what was written about them! These are pro-Russian blackmailers and extortionists!”


I don’t know how effective such a maneuver is for our opponents. If we talk about the same Congressman Dan Fernandez, who ordered a similar campaign of black PR against BLACKLIST.AERO, then on the eve of the elections to the Philippine Congress, this could probably somehow influence his supporters from the common people. There he is pretending to be a martyr who is fighting against illegal games in the country, and we seem to be in his way. This is their political technology stuff, for God’s sake...


As for the messages aimed at aviation professionals, as a rule these are educated people who know how to think critically. They instantly identify the “command” nature of such materials and immediately understand: “If BLACKLIST.AERO is being fought with such methods, then they have seriously pinched the tail of these f..ckers. Which means these guys are worth something!”


But my main message today is this: get ready for the fact that there will be many more such information attacks and they will become more and more sophisticated. More and more cases appear in the Register in which the debtors are not just simple crooks and scummers, but people with money and often vested with power. They have something to lose...


Not long ago, famous financier and philanthropist Warren Buffett spoke about the threats posed by generative artificial intelligence. He called it “a nuclear weapon that can no longer be contained.” A kind of Genie out of a bottle that you can’t drive back. He was led to this comparison by watching a video with “his” participation, generated by artificial intelligence. What struck him most was that even his own daughter could not recognize the fake in her “father” on the monitor screen!


Of course, in the future we, like any public people who have enemies and detractors, should expect more and more sophisticated provocations and outright lies about us.


And what? This is supposed to stop us, make us afraid of our shadow???


Everyone decides for themselves whether to be afraid or to fight. We fight because we cannot do otherwise, we cannot tolerate the banditry of some and the hypocrisy of others. Therefore, we treat threats of this kind as an inevitable fact. This will not affect our activity in any way, we will continue to shove on all these assholes.


I periodically hear the phrase from our followers: “In order to do what you do at BLACKLIST.AERO, you need to have balls of steel!” In reality, everything is a little more complicated. “Balls of steel” were needed in order to do our job at the stage that we had already passed. At a new stage of development of BLACKLIST.AERO, when scammers and systemic defaulters have fully realized the destructiveness of our public and paralegal actions for their illegal activities, we no longer need just steel, but “reinforced concrete-cast iron balls.”


Well, all those anonymous libels and provocations that some of the “heroes” of our articles order on dumper websites are a very good workout for our “balls.”


Therefore, I ask you not to be upset by the new “sensations” about BLACKLIST.AERO. Soon we will create a separate page on our website, on which new “gems” about us will appear))


And you always have the opportunity to contact me directly. And I will readily answer any, even the most pressing, questions addressed to myself and any member of our team. One condition is that I will only respond to real people whose existence can be verified and confirmed.


Once again, I want to thank you all for your trust and support. Believe me, you and I not just can change the situation with scammers in aviation for the better. We are already changing it!

Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO