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July 6, 2024




In order to create a soap bubble, under which gullible investors will be willing to invest their money, it is important to constantly create the appearance of success and profitability. Actually, it is called a soap bubble precisely because it is a form without real content. What is “seems” but not “is” in reality.


Therefore, many of the efforts that we can see on the market from the side of the creators of the so-called “aviation businesses” are attempts to put a good face on a bad game. Some people do it better, some do it worse. Someone manages to deceive gullible investors many times over, and as it seems to many getting away with it. However, despite the presence on the market of still a large number of “money bags” who do not want to properly check the object of investment of their money, sooner or later all these crooks will have to face the consequences of their actions.


In particular, the luck of RINAD EL-RABAA causes sincere bewilderment among both his deceived creditors and former colleagues at JAF EUROPE LTD and iFUEL AG. It would seem that over the past two years everyone has already learned what this person is. Loud parties and drinking bouts, exorbitant waste of money on left and right just to throw dust in the eyes of others and boost his ego. The result is large debts and spoiled relationships with not only creditors, but also with those who JAF EUROPE and iFuel created day after day with.


However, running away from his creditors and from BLACKLIST.AERO (Rinad was very careful not to catch our eye at any of the exhibitions) El-Rabaa was very successful in picking up a new victim of his eternal scam. As we know, he managed to get about $5 million for the projects of the iFuel and the newly created iCharter. The investor-victim is a Saudi multimillionaire, the owner of a large industrial group, who had nothing to do with aviation.


Apparently, it was not difficult for Rinad to breed for money this already elderly but not very concerned about even basic professional compliance simpleton. Currently, this multi-millionaire-simpleton is trying to ignore the information that BLACKLIST.AERO brought to him. However, in the situation with Rinad, he is far from the first who did not want to listen to anything at first, and then told me personally: “Artem, I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you from the very beginning. Unfortunately, now I had to verify the veracity of your words personally.”


Needless to say, having received money for business, Rinad El-Rabaa immediately began to spend it on what he was always famous for - parties and booths, expensive hotels, cars and other attributes of ostentatious luxury. As an analysis of this person’s professional activity shows, the only real goal of any of his activities is ALWAYS just to satisfy his own ego.


Of course, as long as Rinad has money again, other hangers-on will be hanging around him, wanting to get their piece of the pie. However, then, when the money runs out (and they will run out) and the next investor once again finds himself left in the cold, then all these hangers-on will very quickly leave the hero of our story and move “to another party.” Because just as for Rinad any money bag is the object of his “professional activity,” so for these people circling around him, he himself is the object of their extremely primitive interest. And while he is celebrating (and he is constantly celebrating something) and pretending to be a very successful businessman, they will hang out with him and keep him confident that he is truly “cool”. Because only in a state of euphoria he will throw them scraps from the master’s table.


Rinad El-Rabaa has no real friends left. In his life, all the time he treated like a dirt everyone who really achieved something for his company. All the time. This amazing trait - to treat people as a commodity, not to value friends and professionals of the aviation market, will sooner or later lead Rinad to the end of his so-called “professional career”.


Perhaps this sunset will be bright and revealing for everyone. Because not every “investor” is ready to be left in the cold without at least amusing himself with a consoling nosebleed. In the meantime, we are just watching the next episode of this, no longer very interesting, series.


Things are much less rosy for another famous show-off and bon vivant, owner of UNITED AVIATION GROUP JONATHAN WOLPE. Our readers remember that the company owes its contractors considerable sums for various aviation services. At the same time, Jonathan Wolpe, having chosen the position: “We will pay when the time comes...”, is not ashamed to live in grand style, organizing equestrian tournaments and football competitions on an unprecedented scale.


During the time that has passed since the publication of the first article, the editors of BLACKLIST.AERO were able to learn new details that indicate that UNITED AVIATION GROUP is a soap bubble that faces inevitable collapse. If Jonathan Wolpe doesn't fool some “sucker”-investor into getting some real money for his bubble.


However, so far all attempts to put on a good face on a bad game have not brought Jonathan any worthwhile results. As we learned, he made two attempts to find an investor with deep pockets who would risk betting on him. But both attempts ended in complete fiasco. And new debts have been added to the old debts that are being litigated in South Africa.


The most “harmless” of the new facts of non-payment is the appeal to the editors of BLACKLIST AERO by employees of the printing house, which had provided printed products for equestrian competitions organized by Jonathan Wolpe. This crook didn't even pay such a small thing! However, Jonathan’s employees themselves provided us with much more serious facts of non-payments.


Several sources from UNITED AVIATION GROUP informed us that Jonathan Wolpe has not paid staff salaries for several months. At the same time, he does not fire anyone (which prevents people from receiving social insurance if they lose their jobs), but he also does not pay salaries, putting people on the brink of survival.


“He owes his staff 4 months salary, and the contracted staff have not been paid since November 2023. He is not communicating with us, ignoring our calls and any other attempts to make contact.


The employees can't claim Unemployment Insurance because technically they are still "employed", and he has not started formal retrenchment procedures because he can't honor the retrenchment packages. This leaves the employees in limbo because he has basically abandoned them all.


Out of necessity and need, some of them have ventured out into the harsh world of self employment, but others have not been so lucky.

People are at risk of loosing their homes due to unpaid bills,” one of the sources inside the company told us.


The most depressing thing for people who work at UNITED AVIATION GROUP is the fact that Jonathan Wolpe does not want to give up even a tiny part of the luxurious life to which he is accustomed. Despite the fact that this fortune-seeker has quite a lot of real estate, and there are many thoroughbred horses in the stables, he did not sell a single horse or a single piece of real estate in order to pay at least those people who work for him every day for years!


Why does Jonathan Wolpe have the audacity to so blatantly ignore all his creditors, even within South Africa? In most civilized countries, a criminal case should already be opened against him for non-payment of salaries. Well, according to our sources in South Africa, Jonathan Wolpe has a pretty good “cover” in this country, many good connections with the political “establishment”.


You may or may not believe our sources, but I can also mention the personal experience of the BLACKLIST.AERO editors. Over the past months we have written formal letters to the South African CAA several times. The CAA did not bother to respond to any of it. I will not throw around loud accusations of corruption just yet. However, there is one indisputable fact: the inaction of CAA has led to the fact that the situation in a large company in the aviation sector, which CAA is responsible for, has become catastrophic and led to social consequences. If this is not corruption, then it is criminal negligence.


Therefore, I have to approach publicly CAA’s Chairperon Mr. Ernest Khosa and Director of Civil Aviation Ms Poppy Khoza:


You ignored the appeals of BLACKLIST.AERO, you ignored the appeals of the employees of Jonathan Wolpe's companies. What for? Tell me, is riding Jonathan's horses really worth it? Do you really think that participating in the “Vanity Fairs” put on by this scammer and fortune-seeker makes you “the establishment”??? Personally, this reminds me of the times of apartheid in South Africa and the order of the white masters. Aren't you tired of snuggling yet?! Act according to the law! If you had conducted an audit to verify the stated facts, as required by law, you would have deprived Jonathan Wolpe's companies of the right to engage in activities in the field of aviation long ago!


Well, dear readers, the situation with the two bubble makers is far from over. However, sooner or later you will see what the lousy attitude towards people, obligations, and finally towards elementary justice leads to. As one smart person once said: “Life is a big supermarket. Take what you want. But at the end there is a cash register...”


P.S. When this article was already being prepared for publication, we received information from our South African colleagues - investigative journalists. Nowadays, they are investigating the circumstances of the scam that Jonathan Wolpe organized in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The details of the scam are really interesting. However, let's not take bread away from our colleagues. When their material is published, we promise to cover it in our subsequent publications.

Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO



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