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February 18, 2025




I am always very calm when someone expresses disbelief in the facts presented by me in my articles on BLACKLIST.AERO. Why? Because the usual fact-checking and subsequent development of events always proves the accuracy of the facts I have presented. In which it’s so nice to poke “non-believers” noses later ;)


Well, here is just one of the episodes. Back in October 2024, I published an article about the issues on which I wanted to receive official HARMONY JETS comments. Among them there was the issue regarding the supply of drones to Libya for General Khalifa Haftar’s army.


Then representatives of Harmony Jets (one of whom refused to name himself and was later identified as Vice-Chair of Aviation Lawyers Committee AMAC at the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), Member of the Board of Directors at the Malta Business Aviation Association, Head of Business Development at the DF Advocates Filippo Arcaleni) refused to answer the questions.


Well, at least one question I posed then, regarding the information that HARMONY JETS transports drones and other dual-use products in the interests of the Russian-backed General Khalifa Haftar from Benghazi, was answered by the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011) created by the UN Security Council on December 6, 2024.

"The Panel determined that Harmony Jets, a Maltese charter flight service provider, which maintained regular flights to Libya, provided transportation services to the ITS trainers to enter Libya. 59 In the context of the Panel’s investigation to establish the purpose of these transfers of ITS trainers to Libya, the company stated to the Panel that: (a) it had carried out flights to Libya; (b) “no flight was sold” to ITS staff; (c) passengers had not identified themselves as belonging to ITS; and (d) it had not transported “weapons or dangerous goods” to Libya. The company declined to provide information regarding personal protection equipment or passenger manifests, citing privacy laws with regard to the latter. The Panel found Harmony Jets to be in non-compliance with paragraphs 19 and 20 of resolution 2701 (2023)".




According to the experts of the Panel “Five aircraft of Harmony Jets’ fleet carried out 47 chartered flights from August 2023 to September 2024 to Benghazi, Libya, mostly from European cities”

The full text of the report can be found HERE. The facts concerning HARMONY JETS and the conclusion of the Panel’s experts on the operator’s violation of the UN resolution can be found on pages 29 and 220 of this report.


Flights had been operated until September 2024. On October 2, I started asking uncomfortable questions, speaking about this fact publicly at the MACE conference held in Malta, and the flights stopped, as can be judged from the report of the UN experts. That is, my disclosure of this fact to the public at that time alarmed Pierre-Olivier Edouard for a reason.


The day before yesterday, information that HARMONY JETS violate UN sanctions was published by a major Maltese publication, THE MALTESE HERALD. In this regard, I would like to remind you that on October 2, 2024, I had a conversation with the Minister of Transport of Malta, Chris Bonett. I explained to him that the facts we had collected needed independent verification and I was asking the Ministry of Transport to do it. To which Chris Bonett said the following: “I will do the following: I will give your business card to our Director of Communications and he will contact you so that you can officially hand him all the facts you have.”


Such a sweet guy, so friendly. He nodded so sympathetically to me - I immediately understood that like hell he would “contact me” in the future. Do I need to say that I turned out to be right and no one contacted the BLACKLIST.AERO editorial team?


Well, Mr. Bonett, now you can address to a much more eminent organization - the UN Security Council, for the facts I mentioned earlier. But I would strongly advise this organization to also study the issue of your conscious or unconscious inaction. Depending on what your actions can be treated either as a cover-up (corruption) or as negligence. But... thank you for the kindness shown in Malta and the training of my intuition. I hope you still have my business card. You can always contact me at any time.


On the other hand, after the report of the UN Security Council experts, this matter should no longer be dealt with by the Ministry of Transport of Malta, but by the General Prosecutor’s Office of this country and the Malta Security Service (MSS). One way or another, but Malta, as a state itself, will no longer be able to ignore the fact that the charter operator of this country violates the UN Security Council Resolution.


I also wonder if the CAA of Malta will continue to pretend that nothing happened and turn a blind eye to all the violations that HARMONY JETS has been committing with complete impunity for quite some time. And I am also very confused by the absence of the official comment of the Chief Executive Officer of Transport Malta (CAA) Kurt Farrugia regarding the question I asked him in my previous article. In particular: does Mr. Kurt Farrugia or any of his relatives have any relation to the company ‘Deguara Farrugia Advocates’ (aka DF Advocates), which represents the interests of HARMONY JETS everywhere.


I’m looking forward to your answer, Mr. Farrugia...


Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO



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