“What are you doing?! We all spent tens of thousands of dollars to attract attention to our companies at the exhibition, and you just by making one post on LinkedIn turn all the attention to yourself and these crooks whom you challenged to a battle! Now everyone is whispering only about it! Everyone has forgotten about the exhibition!”
This is approximately how one of the participants of the show described to me the situation that I created at the MEBAA-2025 exhibition that took place last week. Of course, this is a rather big exaggeration in my opinion. But my verbal battle challenge to Halis Din, Rinad El-Rabaa and Abdullah Al-Sayed really raised hell.
For those not in the know, let me remind you that on the first day of the exhibition I challenged three participants of the cases in the Global Aviation Register of Defaulter companies BLACKLIST.AERO - co-owner of Merkur Holding Halis Din, owner of iFuel AG Rinad El-Rabaa and owner of the infamous Nexus Flight Operations (as well as Wyvern, Buraq Aviations, Plexus Aviation, Baroque Aviation and many other companies) Abdullah Al-Sayed.
Knowing that all three were in Dubai and at least two of them had meetings scheduled within the MEBAA, I offered them to meet me face to face and personally voice all the falsifications that they inspired against BLACKLIST.AERO and me personally. I have already described in detail what falsifications we are talking about.
I set only two conditions:
1. No insults, only facts
2. Video recording of the entire conversation, microphones will be turned on.
Of course, in addition to the basic fact-checking in front of MEBAA participants, I wanted to record the lies from the mouths of the mentioned persons for subsequent legal proceedings. Nevertheless, I was ready to comment on any falsifications, even if they concerned a case that happened 15 years ago and were so sensitive that all the media in Ukraine themselves, of their own free will, refused to further discuss this topic.
For example, I would ask the very same Rinad El-Rabaa, who organized the creation of a large number of videos on the Aero_News YouTube channel (created only to denigrate BLACKLIST.AERO) whether he knows that:
1. Dmitry Polyukhovich, accused of raping his step-children, was released after 9 months of imprisonment under an article of Criminal code that does NOT rehabilitate/justify him? That the General Prosecutor’s Office was forced to close the case due to lack of evidence, but not due to the absence of corpus delicti? And that for the General Prosecutor’s Office, Dmitry Polyukhovich, even now, 15 years later, still remains a suspect!
2. That the only “evidence” that allowed the case against Polyukhovich to be closed was a second forensic examination faked-up 1.5 years later, which was conducted in absentia, without the presence of the child victims? And that if this criminal case is reopened, this examination will very easily be recognized as falsified. And then Deputy General Prosecutor Rinat Kuzmin threatened the children’s mother with criminal prosecution and physical liquidation if she began to dispute the data of that second examination. At that moment, I was next to his office in the General Prosecutor’s Office and I would not wish any of you to see those eyes of hers when she left Rinat Kuzmin’s office.
3. And finally, that the children, whom the stepfather raped and “rented out” to his high-ranking friends, have long grown up. And now, if they wish, they can demand that the criminal case be reopened. And everyone who defended these children and their mother back then is ready to repeat all their testimony to the very end. Including me.
Of course, Rinad El-Rabaa knows nothing about this case. His PR team only took the version presented by the accused high-ranking pedophiles (fortunately, they had plenty of media resources and money back then) that supposedly it was Boris Berezovsky who organized that scandal with my help. Believe me, knowing the amount of evidence that is stored in the case, I can say with confidence that no inflamed mind could have come up with such trash. It is unrealistic to specially arrange something like this.
But to take a real criminal case and make a political scandal out of it (which is what the political opponents of the pedophile deputies did on the eve of the presidential elections) is easy! Moreover, those who organized the political scandal did not care at all about the fate of the children, their mother or anything else. All that mattered to them was to win the presidential elections of the future bloody president Viktor Yanukovych at any cost.
Rinad El-Rabaa also does not care about living people who have the right for a quiet life after that hell. For him, the twisted “hot” facts are just an attempt to drown his opponent, who is intervening him from squandering money of the gullible Saudi investor.
Well, I also wanted to ask in the presence of everyone who wanted to listen to Halis Din about who is “Dima” to whom I “owe 40K”. Since Halis himself publicly mentioned Dima’s full name - Dmitry Shelukhanov, then you should remember this name. We will touch on this story later.
I would also like to ask Halis to comment on the information that Istanbul Grand Airport authority has sued Merkur for more than 5 million dollars. IGA is also demanding to take away Merkur's licence for ground handling operations at Istanbul Airport.
And of course, I would very much like to ask around “poor – unfortunate” Abdullah Al-Sayed, whose head I supposedly threatened to cut off by sending messages from a non-existent Dubai mobile number.
Each of the mentioned persons, individually and jointly, falsified the charges against me and they had a great opportunity to voice it in detail for all to hear. How did the heroes of my articles, whom I previously called “members of the International Association of Defaulters and Fraudsters (abbreviated ME_TOO)” react to my challenge?
Abdullah Al-Sayed preferred not to appear at MEBAA at all. And he is quite busy now - he needs to have time to transfer money from the Edmond de Rothschild Bank in Monaco, about which we found out and reported to the official attorney who is liquidating Nexus and searching for the company’s stolen funds, to a more secluded place. Until it was not blocked in order to compensate for the losses of 501 Nexus creditors.
Rinad El-Rabaa was at the exhibition at the beginning of the first day, other participants saw him, although he tried not to get into our field of vision. However, after I published my post with the challenge - he simply disappeared! Considering how much money his PR team spends on various publications about the “leadership” of this person - we can say that in one fell swoop all their efforts went to smash. The “Leader” simply ran away.
The most interesting events unfolded with Halis Din! Immediately after the publication of my post, he began to comment on it in his usual way - insults, fakes, mockery. However, in his comments he did not make it clear whether he would participate in the battle.
The same evening, I received a message from him on WhatsApp: “Artem. I will be there”
However, as expected, at 13.00 none of the three showed up to personally comment on the “information” they had previously tried to spread. People were scurrying back and forth, trying not to show their interest directly, but winking at me every now and then. Their interest remained until about half past one, when everyone finally realized that Halis Din, Rinad El Rabaa and Abdullah Al Sayed had simply chickened out. At 14.00 I put the hashtag #FRAIDY_CATS on LinkedIn and went to previously scheduled meetings with other participants of the exhibition.
And then, apparently thinking that “the worst was over”, Halis Din decided to crawl out of his hidey-hole! 40 minutes after I had left, I returned to the place where the battle had been scheduled earlier and saw Halis Din talking to someone who was trying his best to hide him from my view. Perhaps he wanted that other participant of the exhibition saw him in that very place so that he could later say that, like, “nobody was scared, I was there,” etc. But, to his misfortune, I went out for a smoke break and saw him.
When I came closer to Halis and handed him the microphone, he gave me the middle finger, which is of course very natural for the business communication style of this dinosaur from the 90s. Halis continued to talk to his vis-à-vis for another 15 minutes, obviously waiting for the moment to slip away. And then, when I turned away to exchange a few words with the exhibition participant who approached me, Halis began to quickly leave! Of course, I tried to offer him one more time to talk eye to eye and, on video, about all the “facts” that he had previously spread in the comments under my articles. But Halis chose to run away.
Why did he do that? Because he knew for sure that I had documentary evidence that he was deliberately slandering. I had previously specifically copied Halis to my journalistic request to the company that supposedly paid me something 4 years ago as a brokerage commission for a flight that was cancelled. And Halis, just like me, had an official response from the legal department of that company. In which it was very clearly stated that this company had never had ANY relations with me, including any payments.
This whole situation with cowardly crooks who are ready to shoot only from an ambush, reminded me of all those videos in which a small dog barks furiously, being in the yard behind a fence. But as soon as the fence opens, the dog begins to behave much more meekly and cautiously. Until the moment when the fence closes again and the dog feels safe, baring its teeth and barking furiously. All these crooks - Halis, Rinad, Abdullah, and the very same Viktor Cherednichenko (the earliest distributor of fakes) - are ready to sling mud only on the sly. But they are absolutely not ready for open confrontation. The species of such creatures is called “Pisspants ordinary” (lat. Pissant vulgaris)
Well, after an unexpected meeting with me, an annoyed Halis walked around the exhibition and frothed at the mouth. And here is where the most interesting thing happened: at one of the meetings, Halis Din told a man whom I know very well and can be sure of his honesty, that he would “order my murder to Sherman.”
You, dear readers, are unlikely to be shocked by this news, are you? A contract murder, what’s so special about it… You were probably much more interested in the question: “Who is Sherman???” Well, since Halis Din himself named this name publicly, I see no reason to remain silent about this man any longer.
Viktor Benediktovich Sherman is a Ukrainian businessman from Odessa, whom the Ukrainian media have dubbed the “Father of Turkish Smuggling.” Supposedly, the companies under his control have been engaged in the so-called “gray import” (understating the customs value of goods by passing them off as another, less valuable, in the customs declaration) of consumer goods from Turkey on a huge scale for many years. Also, a group of companies associated with Viktor Sherman is supposedly engaged in the smuggling of goods from China, Greece and a number of other countries.
I first heard about Viktor Sherman 4 years ago from the very same Dmitry Shelukhanov, he is also from Odessa. And it was Dmitry who told me that they (Sherman’s group) were loading Turkish Airlines with contraband to the gills. In addition, it was Dmitry Shelukhanov who told me about the role of the Merkur company in this whole process. By the way, I contacted Dmitry Shelukhanov several times after Halis’s accusations. He told me that he could not say for sure whether my name was mentioned in the context of any commissions for the cancelled charter flight, which was supposed to be carried out in their interests. He also said: “most likely your name was not mentioned, but I cannot somehow make Halis not say what he says."
But this is not the main thing: according to my information, Viktor Sherman is the main beneficiary of MERKUR HOLDING. Yes, not Halis, and not even his wife, whom he fears more than anyone in the world and who is the real decision maker in the operational activities of Merkur! Naturally, you will not see his name in the official registration documents of Merkur Holding.
When three months ago I asked Halis Din to comment on the information that Sherman is the main owner of Merkur, he said that he did not know such a person at all. And now, when I drove him crazy, he begins to mention Sherman’s name in such an interesting context. And to people who did not know who Sherman is, or the whole background of the Merkur company and why it exists.
In connection with all of the above, I would like to publicly address to Viktor Sherman with the following questions:
Dear Viktor Benediktovich,
1. May you please confirm or deny that you are the main beneficiary of Merkur Holding (Turkey)?
2. Are you familiar with Dmitry Shelukhanov?
3. Are you familiar with Halis Din?
4. Does Halis Din have real grounds to believe that you can organize a contract murder for him? Are you really such a dangerous person?
Well, apparently, Halis’s gangster mentality, intellectual primitiveness and extreme talkativeness are becoming a problem not so much for me as for the people who put him in charge of their business in Turkey. You never know, at any minute Halis may start saying other interesting names out loud, like Kirill Timoshenko, etc. The main thing is that all these people understand that it is Halis Din who is their problem, when it is not too late.
In connection with all of the above, I would like to address to all the crooks who are being and will be persecuted by BLACKLIST.AERO:
That tragedy 15 years ago, in which I had to become an unwitting participant, made me the person who is now in front of you. You cannot even imagine a small part of what each of us had to go through then. And that is why you cannot imagine what I am ready to go through to achieve the goal I set for myself when I created BLACKLIST.AERO.
This Registry was created so that people like you go to bed and wake up thinking only about BLACKLIST.AERO. And as practice shows, we achieve our goal every day. You can draw the bloodiest pictures of massacre against me in your sick heads. But it will eat you up from the inside worse than any cancer. And sooner or later this bile will poison you more effectively than any poison. Therefore, either pay off your debts to other participants of the aviation market, or continue to destroy yourself from the inside. The choice is always yours.