The editors of BLACKLIST.AERO found out from several sources that Saudi Arabian officials responsible for managing the bankruptcy procedure of NEXUS FLIGHT OPERATION SERVICES (Saudi Arabia) are taking legal steps to take control and subsequently sell the US company WYVERN, which is engaged in the certification of business aviation operators.
It is not a secret that the real owner of WYVERN is the well-known “systemic defaulter” in the aviation market, Abdullah Al-Sayed. The peak of his ascent to the top of business aviation and at the same time the beginning of his fall was the company Nexus Flight Operation Services. You can read more about the whole story in this article. More than 500 creditors officially registered in the Bankruptcy Register can give you a fairly clear picture of the scale of Abdullah Al-Sayed’s “business activities”.
The current actions of the Saudi Arabian authorities fully explain why Abdullah Al-Sayed so carefully hides ownership of his other assets and puts on display only shell companies, behind which there is no significant money. Why the CEO of Wyvern Sonnie Bates so carefully avoids answering the questions that BLACKLIST.AERO asked him publicly and privately. And why BLACKLIST.AERO's interest in Wyvern so alarmed Abdullah Al-Sayed that he decided to blatantly falsify the charges against me personally, submitting the application to the Dubai police.
Two and a half years ago, Abdullah Al-Sayed made great efforts to re-register his rights in various companies to trusted people and various funds under which it is difficult to determine the true beneficiary.
I will not be modest and will say it straight: the public and non-public actions of the BLACKLIST.AERO team played a significant (though not key) role in the fact that the Saudi Arabian authorities began to hunt for the money of Abdullah Al-Sayed, which he withdrew from Nexus Flight Operation Services. First of all, with our public and paralegal actions, we drew the attention of the Saudi Arabian authorities to the systemic defaults that Abdullah uses as a business model. We also dug quite deeply into his relations with the Saudi Arabian establishment, which made relations with him toxic for many people.
As I wrote in my first article, for such crimes in Abdullah Al-Sayed's homeland, he could have been beheaded. However, now I know very well why this did not happen and will not happen. And why, after one of the deals on buying helicopters for the royal family, Abdullah's partner ended up behind bars in Saudi Arabia, while he himself avoided prison. But those shaky unspoken guarantees of immunity that Abdullah Al-Sayed had are not related to his money. He will be “stripped clean”, it is a matter of time.
But as we all know Wyvern is not the only asset of Abdullah Al-Sayed. And if the Saudi officials responsible for finding the stolen money hurry up, then having gained control over another asset of Abdullah, the Saudi company BURAQ AVIATIONS, they will be able to return much more money to the creditors of Nexus. However, at some point it may turn out that for some interesting reason, the money of another well-known “businessman”, who received $5 million from a Saudi investor a year ago, is being pumped through the company BURAQ AVIATIONS and partially settled (with subsequent withdrawal to other companies)… It’s interesting, isn’t it?! Are you surprised that Abdullah and Rinad are running a joint business? Nothing surprises me anymore.
Oh yes, Abdullah Al-Sayed does have his tentacles spreading far and wide. Not only by investing the stolen money in companies like WYVERN, but also far beyond the aviation world. For example, he has a very interesting and funny business in one of the countries of Southern Europe. What kind of business? Perhaps I will write about it in one of the next articles. But in its genius, it reminds me of Al Capone’s idea with his laundries.
Well, “dear” Abdullah, in my last article, in which I described your attempt to slander me in the UAE police in order to create legal problems there, I asked you not to run very far. I hope we will still be able to meet publicly, in front of witnesses (so that you cannot again say that I threatened to cut off your head) and you will have to answer uncomfortable questions.
I don’t know if by that time you will be able to fly on your personal business jet and chill in the VIP lounges. For people like you, the most terrible punishment is poverty. Because people in their mass are morally weak. In business, they fawn upon those who can be useful or dangerous. That is why rich scoundrels are usually despised behind their backs. But as soon as they become poor, they are despised openly, demonstratively openly. You know very well how you are treated in the aviation world. But few show it. The fact that most of them do not dare to show you their contempt flatters you. That is why I wish you to see the full extent of the real attitude of other people towards you.
I won’t say goodbye...
Artem Degtiarov, Chief editor at BLACKLIST.AERO